No Cost Home Loans
As a competitive nationwide mortgage lender, we specialize in no closing cost loan programs and no fee refinance options for borrowers with qualified credit. We are an online home equity lender who prides itself in quick loan approvals, no cost refinance and no point home equity loans. Shop Nationwide lenders that offer low interest rate credit lines, home equity loans and fixed refinancing. Compare second mortgage loans that have some of the lowest fixed interest rates in the nation. Choose from several no cost home loan options:
- No Cost Refinance
- No Point Home Loan
- No Fee Home Loans
With the right credit and equity combination, no cost home loans are possible, so ask a loan professional about the requirements, so that you can see if you qualify with your credit score, loan-to-value and debt to income ratio. Get a no closing cost home loan and save the money for a rainy day!
At Nationwide, we pride ourselves in helping people find unique no cost home loan programs with accurate interest rates and rapid loan processing. Our streamlined structure enables us to offer you a wider selection of second mortgages with more flexible loan terms that do not require any income verification for good people who do not want to document their income. You'll see that our reduced documentation loans and stated income second mortgages aren't difficult to qualify for, and our interest rates are very competitive. No cost mortgages have been more popular than ever as interest rates continue to break 50-year records. Top 8 Home Equity Loan Programs

Benefits of Home Equity Loans with
No Closing Costs or Lender Fees. |
Shop for Low Home Equity Payments |
Larger Equity Loan Amounts |
No Lending Fee Equity Line |
No Closing Cost Loan Options |
100% HEL Loans to $500,000 |
Refinance Your Variable Rate without Fees |
Cash Out Loans with No Closing Costs (See loan company for terms and requirements) |
Note: Many brokers and lenders may be offering no cost home loans but make sure that they are not hiking the interest rate. Many brokers will charge you a rate a percentage point higher when a borrower opts for a no closing cost loan. Nationwide Mortgages will extend you the same home loan rate whether you are paying for lending fees or selecting a no cost home loan.
Negotiating Lower Mortgage Fees and Closing Costs on Home Loans
What a lot of people may not realize when they first enter their bank looking to qualify for a home loan with no closing costs is that there is a surprising number of areas where they don't have to simply accept what the bank offers. It is actually possible to negotiate for much more favorable terms if an individual has a better understanding of what their options actually are.
Of course, the first thing that an individual needs in order to put themselves in the best position possible is a good credit score. The better history and score that an individual has when it comes to their credit, the better they will be able to negotiate for the elimination, or at least reduction, of certain fees and costs. When an individual gets a home loan, there are a number of hidden fees and costs that are tucked into the loan that a lot of people may not be aware of. Discussing all of these costs and finance options with a lender will not only help a person to be more educated when it comes to what they are spending their money on, but also allow them to possibly get some of their closing costs and fees reduced.
Some examples of fees that are up for negotiation are things like underwriting fees, escrow, title, and even processing costs. While it may not be possible to eliminate all of these additional costs, it never hurts for person to ask to have some of them reduced or removed altogether.
While no cost home loans are ideal, they may not be possible in every situation. However, once an individual sits down and begins to negotiate the loan costs with their lender, they may be pleasantly surprised to find out just how much they can reduce their closing costs and other mortgage fees. One of the best ways to achieve this goal is to shop around when it comes to the lender that an individual does business with. By comparing home loans side-by-side, a person will be in a better position to choose a loan that better fits their particular needs from the get-go and then go about negotiating that mortgage with their lender in order to get even more favorable terms.
With everything from interest rates the lender's fees, closing costs to origination fees on the table, borrowers can dramatically reduce the amount of additional fees that they pay when purchasing the home that they have always wanted.
20 Reasons Why a Home Equity Loan Is More Powerful than a Personal loan or Credit Lines |